
Accumulators are an essential element in modern hydraulics. Hydro-pneumatic accumulators use compressed gas to apply force to hydraulic fluid using different construction elements to separate the gas side from the fluid side. Bladders use a flexible closed membrane, diaphragms use a flexible open membrane and pistons use a moveable piston with a sealing system.

Characteristics of HYDAC Accumulators

Bladder Accumulators

  • High discharge velocities
  • No pressure differential between fluid side and gas side
  • Compact and low maintenance
  • High charge and discharge frequencies

Diaphragm Accumulators

  • Function-optimized and weight optimized design
  • Unlimited choice of installation positions
  • Low maintenance and long service life

Piston Accumulators

  • Minimal pressure differential between fluid side and gas side
  • Large effective volume
  • Variable installation position
  • Monitoring of the piston position possible using a variety of systems
  • Particularly suitable for back-up configurations
  • Extreme flow rates
  • No sudden discharge of gas when seals are worn


Picture for Accumulator Types