Magnetostrictive linear position sensors for long distances

The intelligent BTL magnetostrictive position measuring system for extra long distances is designed for applications where the absolute position of an object must be determined at long distances and with high accuracy. The robust system provides you with absolutely precise and reliable position information over a measuring range of up to several hundred meters. This makes the system particularly suitable for applications on overhead travelling cranes, loading bridges, gantry cranes, reversing controls as well as for crane and trolley travel.

For harsh environmental conditions or wherever maximum precision is required for position and speed measurement, the absolute measuring displacement encoder determines positions with a repeat accuracy of 0.5 mm. The Long Distance Positioning System (LDPS) is wear- and maintenance-free and is insensitive to shock, vibration and contamination.

The position measuring system consists of a magnetostrictive sensor with Profinet interface, several position encoders and a software function block for easy integration into your control system.


-Absolute magnetostrictive linear position sensor with a measuring range of up to several hundred meters

-High fail-safe factor and low maintenance thanks to non-contact, wear-free operating principle

-For harsh industrial environments (IP67)

-System automatically adjusts to the magnetic marker

-Repeat accuracy down to ±0.5 mm

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