15 Series
The 15 Series can be combined with our wide variety of brackets, hinges, stanchions, fasteners, and other connectors and hardware.
There are many 15 Series aluminum extrusions to select from. Their sizes range from 1.5″x1.5″ to 3″x6″. These TSLOTS extrusions have slot widths of 0.322″ and are modular to each other. The inside radius is 0.187″, which makes it easy to slide drop-in T-Nuts.
These extrusions are excellently suited to build sound enclosures, machine guarding, work benches, display racks and panel mount racks. You can easily mount accessories such as sensors, valves, switches, panels and rails.
If you need extrusions of custom shapes that are compatible with this series, we can create them to your specifications.
650005 - TS15-15 T-slotted Extrusion
The 1.5″ x 1.5″ shape has a thicker wall that will accommodate heavier applications than the 1.5″ x 1.5″L. Applications include machine frames, workstations, shop carts, tables and machine retrofits.
650006 - TS15-15 L T-slotted Extrusion
The 1.5″ x 1.5″ L shape was designed for lighter weight and strength requirements than our 1.5″ x 1.5″. Applications include lighter load bearing structures, guarding and light weight frames.
650007 - TS15-75 T-slotted Extrusion
The 1.5″ x .75″ extrusion can be used as a door rail or a support for clamps, valves, etc. It can also be used as a handrail.
650008 - TS15-30 T-slotted Extrusion
The 1.5″ x 3.0″ shape is designed for larger and heavier structures where strength is required. Applications for 1.5″x3.0″ include framing systems, roller conveyor systems, fixturing, specialty machines, supports, linear slides and automated assembly equipment.
650009 - TS15-30 L T-slotted Extrusion
The 1.5″ x 3.0″ L shape is designed for larger structures where strength is not critical. Applications for 1.5″ x 3.0″L include framing and door tracks. This shape can be used to run air lines or as a pressure or vacuum manifold up to 150 psi.
650010 - TS15-45 T-slotted Extrusion
The 1.5″ x 4.5″ shape is ideal for applications where long lengths without supporting structures are needed. Use the 1.5″ x 4.5″ in conveyor systems, linear motion, material handling and large machine frames.
650012 - TS30-30 T-slotted Extrusion
Our 3″ x 3″ shape has a thicker wall and is designed for heavier and stronger structures where strength is critical. This shape can be used to run air lines or as a pressure or vacuum manifold up to 150 psi.
650013 - TS30-30L T-slotted Extrusion
The 3″ x 3″ L shape was designed for lighter weight and strength requirements than our 3″ x 3″. Applications include lighter load bearing structures, guarding and light weight frames.
650014 - TS15-15 MONOSLOT T-slotted Extrusion
The 1.5″ x 4.5″ shape is ideal for applications where long lengths without supporting structures are needed. Use the 1.5″ x 4.5″ in conveyor systems, linear motion, material handling and large machine frames. The two hollow centers can be used to run air lines or as a pressure or vacuum manifold up to 150 psi.
650015 - TS15-15 BISLOT ADJ T-slotted Extrusion
The 1.5″ x 1.5″ BAS shape was designed for lighter weight and strength requirements where additional cleanliness and aesthetics is needed. Applications include machine enclosures, guarding and light weight frames.
650016 - TS15-15 BISLOT OPP T-slotted Extrusion
The 1.5″ x 1.5″ BOS shape was designed for lighter weight and strength requirements where additional cleanliness and aesthetics is needed. Applications include machine enclosures, guarding and light weight frames.
650017 - TS15-15 TRISLOT T-slotted Extrusion
The 1.5″ x 1.5″ TRS shape was designed for lighter weight and strength requirements where additional cleanliness and aesthetics is needed. Applications include machine enclosures, guarding and light weight frames.